Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday night

Hello, all. It's Saturday night in Kerala. The humidity is an unforgiving blanket tonight. No central air here, just fans on the ceilings, spinning at full power. They don't help much. We had another incredible day of witnessing the healing power of grace. We spent the afternoon at the Bethel Ashram orphanage, run by an order of sisters who have taken a life-long commitment to raising the children who show up as infants and young children. At one point, a young woman whose mother died in a construction landslide when she was only 10 and was raised by the sisters returned home from the hospital, carrying a newborn baby. She gave birth three days ago. The sisters will help the young woman, now 25, care for the child while her husband is away, working in Delhi. Bishop Itty gave the mother and child a blessing on the front porch of the ashram. "He is Keralan," said one sister. "So, he is our bishop, too."
All of use are preaching at parishes around the diocese Sunday morning, so we're trying to finish our sermons before dinner -- since most of us collapse with exhaustion after dinner. Of course, Bill doesn't seem to be too worried about what he's going to say.
Pictures will have to wait. Stay tuned for pictures and a full report from the ashram.

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